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Saturday, January 2, 2010 ♥
my StoRy...

New Year 2010


been so long yaa..woow...sudah 2010..!!!!

HHmmm saya memilih untuk meyimpan resolusi dalam hati.. :)
But, saya memiliki a very quite new year eve for 2010..!!!

Semoga siih quite new year eve nya ga jadi bikin tahun 2010 juga quite untuk saya...karna saya suka sekali jika hidup saya berwarna..lengkap dengan naik turunnya masalah..saya yakin ke depan tantangan itu semakin beraaat dan tergantung bagaimana kita menghadapinya...

Well happy new year you all....

♥ Cheers, Lidya


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Friday, June 26, 2009 ♥
my StoRy...


Marah boleh yaa tapi setidaknya marah pake akal sehat, marah yang tidak menempatkan diri sendiri adalah pusat dunia, marah yang tidak hanya ingin dimengerti sendiri, marah yang masih bisa kasih ruang hati untuk melihat orang lain..

♥ Cheers, Lidya


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Saturday, June 6, 2009 ♥
my StoRy...

shopping..shopping..(medicine for stress..)

apa yang saya lakukan kala stress..? bisa bermacam-macam..bisa ke salon, nonton dvd, feeding the thought dengan membaca blog entries dari orang2...huhuhuhuhu tapi yg paling mujarab dan bisa membuat stress susulan dan bisa jadi candu itu memang SHOPPING..!!!!

Jadi begini yaaa...saya sedang mual2nya dengan target closing, belum lagi harus mengupdate progress, reconcile dengan para subcont ppppffhhhh...yaah apalagi siyh yg bisa bikin stress klo bukan kerjaan...dan mungkin tambahan pacar saya sedang sibuk2nyaa..jadi saya harus berlaku manis ga boleh rewel dan manyuun...akhirnya pada hari Jumat kala situasi kantor sangat kondusif untuk pulang cepat a.k.a tango...saya dan mba Annot memutuskan unuk jump to our neighbour Pondok Indah Mall..yang jaraknya dari kantor cuma selemparan batu hihihihihihi...hhmmhhh

Nah ini dia belanjaan saya..: beli blus buat ke undangan...dapet di moosche, trus lanjut sepatu jeans aksen putih VNC (lumayan buat matchingin tas putih saya..hahhaa), dan yg terakhir, tadinya saya berburu celana idaman warna khaki di sale nya MANGO tapi ga ada size nya jadiii deeeh saya di sabar-sabarin sama mba Annot untuk screening ulang di Metro dan dapeet tuuhhh..dengan model dan warna yg sama tapi harganya jauh lebih murah dari sale nya MANGO hahahahaa klo sabar pasti ada hikmahnyaa deeeeh... mba Annot sendiri dapet cardigan coklat tua incerannya dia....yang pasti niiyh thanks yaa mba Annot udah nemenin daku shopping dan cerita2 kemangkelan akuuu hihihihihi

Dan kemudian pagi ini saya dapet kejutan lagiii...kali ini dari mamaku...beliau melungsurkan beberapa perhiasan dengan ornamen berliannya itu kepada sayaaa..!!! syyiiippp kaaaan....sudah shopping eeh dapet perhiasan ciamik dari mama...wooww it really blow up my mood....


♥ Cheers, Lidya


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Wednesday, May 20, 2009 ♥
my StoRy...


Lamaaaa ga posting yaaa..lamaa bgt...!!! sibuk jadi alasan klasik...yaa macam2 sibuuk..sibuk menata kehidupan..semua aspeknya...

Weeewwh bulan May pun nyariis berakhir yaa..udah berasa kehidupan di tanggal tua =D

Saya sangat menikmati hidup di Tahun 2009 ini looh sudah lima bulan berjalan dan rasanya semua masih baik2 saja, walaupun ada harapan yg belom bisa jadi kenyataan dan saya hanya bisa percaya it's just the matter of time...

Wot' the greattooo is there will come four weddings of my besties in upcoming months...and makes me can't hardly wait for my turn ;)..dampaknya adalaah jaitan kebayaa lageee ooeeemjiii...sudah agak keabisan ide buat cari modelnya...but anyway congrats yaaa you guys...

HHmmmhh saya naik kelas looh..naik kelas dalam memaafkan orang lain dan mengerti keadaan orang lain a.k.a tidak egois..yaa things always happen for a reason kaaan..??so you girl-who-annoyed me 2 years ago...so sorry for all and really hope u THE BEST.

Keadaan yg lain adalah pacar saya berubah menjadi orang paling sibuuuk di dunia..ampuun deeeh sudah nyaris dua bulan ga pernah pulang bareng, dan satu hari saya marah hanya demi quality time..hebatnya kerewelan saya ditanggapi dingin karna yaa emang ga bisa ngerubah keadaan jadi damai buat saya dalam seketika juga...tapi dalam keadaan ga enak begitu saya jadi berpikir untuk ada buat dia, karna bukan hanya saya kok yg ga enak, dia pun begitu kadang suka amazed karna jam pacaran kami ga kaya orang normal, mas baru bisa ke rumah diatas jam 10 malam dan itu dengan sisa2 kekuatan dia malam itu setelah lembuur panjaang...thanks for loving parents that also have a great understanding for this =D BIG LOVE..!!!

♥ Cheers, Lidya


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Thursday, January 1, 2009 ♥
my StoRy...

new year and some thoughts...

yeaaaah happy new year 2009 everyone...!!! how's your party? isn't great?? well i hope so like mine last night...well talking about new year, it should be a new you also right?? surely mine..!! Since, i always have a different ways to celebrate a new year time after time, it more low key this year, at least no more hungover in the morning and no more crazy party..party is always about being crazy but not full of boozy this time hahahhaa.....

New year is also about the new resolution... that i don't have it...!!!! =D or maybe have but i choose to not write it down sorry fellas..!!!
share some thought..i have things that across my mind since last night =D

it called
"places i want to go and another step of life i started to think of.."

♥ Cheers, Lidya


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Friday, December 26, 2008 ♥
my StoRy...

..hanya ingin mengenang saja..

Saya hanya ingin mengenang dia

lewat jalan-jalan yang pernah kami lalui bersama...

lewat hembusan angin yang pernah kami hirup bersama...

lewat setiap kenangan yang tercipta kala batin saya mengucap namanya...

Masa itu, saya belum mengetahui bahwa mencintanya bisa juga tersakiti dalam

Masa itu, saya belum mengetahui bahwa yang tercinta bisa menghunus belati tepat ke ulu hati dengan sangat tega

Masa itu, saya mungkin melupakan Tuhan yang punya kuasa atas nasib saya dengan buaian hati saya sendiri...

Masa itu, saya tidak sekuat sekarang...

*may u rest in peace (gadis kecil itu sekarang udah tumbuh dewasa dan tidak lagi takut menjalani hidup yang dulu selalu dikhawatirkannya...)*

♥ Cheers, Lidya


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Thursday, December 25, 2008 ♥
my StoRy...

..my dearly BaRbs..

Kind a miss you all girls....

Menangis-nangis saya pagi ini...saat saya baca tulisan dinie, mengingatkan saya pada 9 sahabat saya dari jaman SMU duluuu...dien saya copy-paste tulisan kamu yaaa...

Special shoutout to my girls: Barb's...

Thank you for always being there for me... Through all my problems, pains and worries.... Thank you for always lending me an ear whenever I need to pour my whole heart out... I never have to worry about what I say to you because I know that you will never think of me less, nevermind judge me.... I can tell you my deepest and darkest secret without having to second-guess my actions because I know you will find a place deep in your heart to store those secrets and keep them safe... Whenever I need some wave of supports, I know exactly where to go... Even with all your sarcastic comments and stupid retarded jokes, I know that after all is said and done, I will be at ease... I never have to worry about looking like a lost child when I call you in the middle of the night, crying my heart out because instead of laughing at me, you know exactly what to say to calm me down... I never have to feel like I'm being annoying when I call you five times in the last 3 hours just to tell you the same thing over and over again and to gloat about the happy thing that happened to me.... I never have to feel bad for ignoring you when I'm busy doing God-knows-what because I know that instead of hating me, you will someway make turn this into a joke and make fun of me endlessly the next day... But most importantly, I never have to be someone that I'm not around you girls, because I know, even with all the good and bad sides of me, you will take me and accept me for who I am....You girls are the best thing that could ever happened to me and no man is worth choosing over.....

Well...so touching babe..

We've been together for 11 years...through many things...for me..you all there to ease my sorrow from every broken heart, keep my darkest secret, always have the understanding, the greatest company for a bit insanity, i can be my self with you and i always pray to god to give us a chance to have this great friendship forever...

How can i forget the way Uchy fought for my happiness, the way Ai give her fully understanding for my crazy behave, the way Ani give me anytime sleepover in Bandung anytime i need it, the way Dinie give me fully support even sarcastic sometimes hehehee the way Githa be all ears for all my stories, the funny way of Anna expressed her feeling, the annoyed Hotma, and i will not forget Ira and Nandy (may be spent time with u both not as much as i spent with uchy, dinie, ai, ani..but still u always spare your fully attention to me...)

Waktu yang berjalan...tak percaya akuuu kita bisa tumbuh tua bersama...

♥ Cheers, Lidya


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♥ Me.

Lidya. ♥
i am what i am, and really happy with my life.

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♥ Loves.

I want to be always happy.
I want to be always cheerful.
I want everything's goes smoothly.

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